Monday, August 26, 2024

Black eye kids

Leanne Davies was unable to articulate her fear. In 1999, Davies rode in a carpool to work in Deale, Maryland, until her driver stopped at a tiny grocery store one night, leaving Davies by herself in the pickup. "We pulled up at the lot's edge, leaving the store entrance and lot in our wake," stated Davies. "It was well past dusk and we had worked late."Seated in the truck, Davies unwinded as she observed vehicles passing through the crossroads, biding her time until the driver returned."It is important for me to document my feelings because, even in this calm and composed state, I suddenly felt incredibly afraid or in danger," the woman stated. "I was able to remain impartial even though there was no logical explanation for this overwhelming fear. I never had terror like this before, so it was pretty weird.As Davies became aware that she was about to suffer a panic attack, she attempted to determine what could have caused the sudden, overpowering fear.According to Davies, "there was no increase in the level of fear or sense of danger." "There was extraordinary intensity at first."Then, something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Gazing cautiously from the passenger seat, Davies discovered the source of her fear to the left."I noticed a woman staring at me through the driver's window, facing me," the woman remarked. She wasn't merely peering in; she was standing around a foot and a half away from the shuttered window with her shoulders squarely against the pickup's driver's door.The woman's arrival drove Davies's acute terror even deeper. She remarked, "I couldn't move and my heart shot to my throat." "She was staring at me when I looked at her."Davies could see the woman's eyes even though her face was partially hidden by the strong shadows created by the yellow streetlamps. "Empty" eyes were seen. Davies claimed that she didn't see any reflection from the streetlamps that bounced off of everything in the parking lot.Davies remarked, "They looked dead." Dark gaps. Nothing is present there. She appeared to be enjoying the fear that overcame me based on the expression on her face. Davies was riveted in the woman's gaze. Davies remarked, "I'm not sure how long she stood there." "The intense fear made it seem like minutes, even though it didn't seem like it was long."Abruptly, the woman turned and climbed into the passenger seat of a Plymouth Duster from the early 1970s that was parked next to the pickup where Davies was sitting.Davies stated, "The driver, who I couldn't see, backed the car out of the lot and drove away." "All anxiety and a sensation of danger vanished instantly. It seemed odd to me how abrupt it was considering how strong it had been only moments before.Internet reports of these beings, whose eyes are black holes with no whites or iris, started to surface in 1998. The accounts of these encounters are uncannily similar. These beings typically show up at night and ask to be invited inside your home, vehicle, or for a solitary stroll. When they are encountered, people are scared, but not because of their lifeless black eyes because their eyes are first hidden by a cap, hoodie, or the angle of their head. When they finally move and observers are able to view the two dark gaps, the fear increases. Reports of encounters with these black-eyed individuals have come from all across the world.What are these things that creep up on people silently and calmly and make them afraid? These people with black eyes have been believed by authors like David Icke and Guy Malone to be everything from extraterrestrials to devils. They have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, working and reproducing alongside us, yet most of us are unaware of this.Alan Borky has seen these things, thus he knows they exist.He commented, "Have you ever noticed there's two kinds of anger?" on my blog, From the Shadows. There is the more common, fiery type. However, there is also a far rarer and more terrifying variety in which the individuals involved seem to suddenly become far more intensely concentrated than you've ever seen them to be, giving off this eerie aura of cold-blooded, almost lizard-like danger, rather than losing control.People he knows have been affected by this rage; their eyes have turned completely black."Every time this has happened, I've always had the unshakeable feeling that I wasn't dealing with my mother—my children's mother—any longer, nor with one of my parents, siblings, or friends," he remarked. "I rarely lose my temper, but when I do, I get really atomic, and people I can trust tell me later that my eyes went completely black. What's concerning is that on the few times this has happened, I've wanted to stay that way in addition to feeling tremendously powerful.A man going by the name Drakos responds to my information request and says he is one of these black-eyed beings."It would be impossible for you to distinguish me from an average person," he remarked. "Yet despite my exceptionally captivating personality, high level of intelligence, and other attributes that will make me seem even more arrogant than I already am. Only others appear to think differently of me than I do.Drakos claims that there has been a minimum of 6,000 years of our ancestry blending with this race of individuals with black eyes.He declared, "The story of the serpent in the Bible is not about a talking snake." It concerns a national representative of a people group descended from a race of gods. Because these "serpents" were rebellious, they tried to establish their own knowledge repositories. They were educators. They discovered a species of ignorant automatons called Homo sapiens, who had been bred for manual labor, and they provided them with knowledge that opened their minds.Drakos asserts that the black-eyed people are descended from the serpent mentioned in Genesis.That, he said, is the short narrative. "I know it sounds like a fairy tale." A fable that depicts the mating of this "serpent race" with humans. "It's true that there has been a lot of mixing; individuals frequently exhibit remarkable abilities that they credit to an ancestor who carried a unique genetic code," Drakos stated.Such a claim has biblical resonance, according to Patrick Heron, author of The Nephilim and the Pyramid of Apocalypse and The Return of the Antichrist. "They shall mix their seed with the seed of men,' according to Daniel 2:43, which seems to imply fallen angels mating with humans," Heron informed me via email. The kids come over softly yet firmly. They insisted on entering your home to grab a sip of water or to use the phone. You're afraid of these kids for some reason, and you can see why as your hand reaches up to open the door. They have black eyes. Nothing just a soulless, empty abyss with no iris or whites.In the late 1990s, stories about Black-Eyed Children started to surface on internet forums. Since I wrote my first piece on Black-Eyed Kids in 2008, the frequency of reports of these beings has increased.They are explained as hybrids of humans and aliens, as well as children possessed by demons and cryptoterrestrials. Whatever their origin, one thing is for sure: they're scary.A Haunting ForceWhile returning from Wake Tech Community College, which is located close to Raleigh, North Carolina, Kerrie Kisner didn't plan to stop at the Triangle Town Center mall, but she did. The regret washed over her.The 20-year-old Kisner remarked, "I found it strangely eerie how quiet it was because there were very few people there that day." "As I turned the corner to get back to my car, I noticed an elderly woman and a small child. I was instantly drawn to him since he had such an unusual appearance—I had never seen anyone like him before.The youngster, who appeared to be around twelve years old, was anything but ordinary as Kisner saw him converse with the mother. The boy's pale skin and black hair made for a striking contrast, with dark patches hanging beneath his eyes. According to Kisner, "it appeared like he hadn't slept in weeks." "His face was extremely thin."Kisner overheard the two talking as she approached them. The child requested assistance from the woman in a firm yet quiet voice. As she rummaged through her purse for something to give him, "he stood very rigid with his hands by his sides looking at the ground," according to Kisner. "I noticed he seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable as I drew closer."When Kisner walked past them toward her car, the youngster started to twist his body, then he raised his head and looked directly into her eyes. "I became motionless. Kisner remarked, "His eyes were as dull and black as night, almost dead." "I've been haunted by the look he gave me." I had the impression that he was phantom-like and not fully present.With his eyes fixed on Kisner's, the child turned slowly and went away, without even waiting for the older woman to give him what she had searched through her handbag for. Kisner will always remember this boy, even if she is unsure of his identity. She remarked, "That look he gave me has haunted me ever since." It was almost as if he understood my thoughts.What was this person Kisner observed at the Raleigh mall? An Unexplained Experience This youngster and those like him, in Ezekiel Finch's opinion, are not human. Not anymore, at least."I've encountered these issues numerous times. other ones in various states," he remarked. "Vampires, I can tell you what these things are with a good degree of certainty."Finch did not identify despite having two close encounters with Black-Eyed People, one in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the other in the medium-sized East Coast city where he resides."In the low 30s, I had two of my longest encounters in extremely close quarters," Finch remarked. "I kept the closest eye on them that I could."Finch was suddenly uncomfortable as he stood in the tiny group of individuals in the chilly night. There was a problem with both of those people. Initially, it was their dark eyes fixedly gazing over strange grins; later, it was a more nuanced expression.Humans breathe continuously. That's all they do, Finch said; they inhale before speaking. When they did talk, nothing was visible to you. Not a single thing. They didn't have visible breath, although everyone else did.Finch observed the two engaging in conversation with those in their vicinity. From the mouths of everyone else, steam sprang up. "It's nothing from them," he declared. For the next 10 minutes, Finch observed them intently and realized that the reason their breath was invisible in the chilly night was because they were not breathing. "The torso did not move at all. As dead as a corpse.Conversations about the weird and unexplained frequently touch on Black-Eyed People, and nearly all accounts of their encounters are uncannily identical. From the age of six to adulthood, children will approach individuals by themselves or in a group and plead for assistance, asking them to let them in, give them a ride, or follow them here. Another fabled characteristic of a vampire is authorization to enter.According to Finch, "they ask permission for a very basic reason: if someone invites you into their home, they are less likely to call the police," "Whatever ruse they used to get you to open the door, they can catch you off guard. Then, BAM, you find out why they are actually there." "You invite them in, you feel bad for them, you drink with them, buy drugs from them, (have sex with) them."Finch's second encounter was a little more intimate than a group of folks across a parking lot."I had the unfortunate experience of speaking with one as she attempted to persuade me that it was acceptable for her to be welcomed into my home," stated Finch. "She was standing there in a spaghetti-strapped top and a tiny miniskirt; it was thirty degrees outside with snow on the ground."He initially believed the girl, who was wearing skimpy clothing, may be high when she begged him to let her into his house, but he soon realized otherwise. "No visible breath, no inhaling, no reaction to the cold," he claimed. "She didn't give a damn about breathing or temperature."According to Finch, Black-Eyed People are nothing less than monsters. "They want you to feel comfortable. They want you to believe that they are harmless and safe. You want to let them in or give them a ride," he remarked. "They are hunters."Handling FearWith the brilliant ember of his cigarette shining brightly in the darkness, Jim Stills stood in the parking lot of his brick apartment building located in Massachusetts. He soon discovered he wasn't by himself. "I usually go stand outside to have my cigarette at night," he remarked. "I saw that there was a child there."The "kid" was between the ages of twelve and sixteen. The boy's peculiar pace caught Stills' attention every night as he walked down the street toward him. Stills remarked, "I've lived in these buildings my entire life, and I've never seen this kid anywhere." "He would appear at around ten o'clock at night and amble along the main road at a slow pace."The child would check doors as he made his way from one building to the next. "I stopped going out in front at night because it was enough to frighten me." Still, he searched for him. Night every night, Stills would observe him staring out his widow while wandering slowly up and down the street until roughly three in the morning.Eventually, Stills moved on from the boy and walked outdoors to smoke one evening. He was scared by what he saw. "The child was standing right next to my door," Stills remarked. "Standing there staring at me and requesting that I buzz him inside the structure."Stills could see the boy's eyes through his hoodie, even if his face was hidden. "Very dark," he said. "It's completely colorless everywhere."After telling the youngster that he couldn't let him inside, Stills quickly retreated inside the structure, ensuring sure the door was secured behind him. He claimed to have experienced "this overwhelming feeling of absolute terror in my body." I didn't sleep, and every now and then I would glance out my window to see the boy pacing down the street. Even though I haven't seen him in months, I will no longer sit outside at night.They are abominations.A user using by the handle "Black-Eyed Children" on my blog claimed to have fought one in the woods.He wrote, "It manifested as a fifteen-year-old girl." Its eyes were jet black, as I noted. It was assertive, then hostile. My apprehension turned to rage somehow. According to Anonymous, this "girl" had rows of fangs that resembled sharks, and "the black eyes seemed to become even darker as it moved closer to him."People all throughout the world are reporting seeing what appear to be human-looking beings but are actually something else entirely—something dark. Whatever these entities may be. Finch believes they are consuming us. No alien/human hybrids, sorry. No schoolchildren under demonic possession. No abominations from other dimensions. They're monsters, Finch declared. "Avoid letting them in and attempting to become friends with them. They are more like Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy—monsters that masquerade as people—than Ann Rice or Twilight.

Black eye kids

Leanne Davies was unable to articulate her fear. In 1999, Davies rode in a carpool to work in Deale, Maryland, until her driver stopped at a...