Monday, August 26, 2024

Black eye kids

Leanne Davies was unable to articulate her fear. In 1999, Davies rode in a carpool to work in Deale, Maryland, until her driver stopped at a tiny grocery store one night, leaving Davies by herself in the pickup. "We pulled up at the lot's edge, leaving the store entrance and lot in our wake," stated Davies. "It was well past dusk and we had worked late."Seated in the truck, Davies unwinded as she observed vehicles passing through the crossroads, biding her time until the driver returned."It is important for me to document my feelings because, even in this calm and composed state, I suddenly felt incredibly afraid or in danger," the woman stated. "I was able to remain impartial even though there was no logical explanation for this overwhelming fear. I never had terror like this before, so it was pretty weird.As Davies became aware that she was about to suffer a panic attack, she attempted to determine what could have caused the sudden, overpowering fear.According to Davies, "there was no increase in the level of fear or sense of danger." "There was extraordinary intensity at first."Then, something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Gazing cautiously from the passenger seat, Davies discovered the source of her fear to the left."I noticed a woman staring at me through the driver's window, facing me," the woman remarked. She wasn't merely peering in; she was standing around a foot and a half away from the shuttered window with her shoulders squarely against the pickup's driver's door.The woman's arrival drove Davies's acute terror even deeper. She remarked, "I couldn't move and my heart shot to my throat." "She was staring at me when I looked at her."Davies could see the woman's eyes even though her face was partially hidden by the strong shadows created by the yellow streetlamps. "Empty" eyes were seen. Davies claimed that she didn't see any reflection from the streetlamps that bounced off of everything in the parking lot.Davies remarked, "They looked dead." Dark gaps. Nothing is present there. She appeared to be enjoying the fear that overcame me based on the expression on her face. Davies was riveted in the woman's gaze. Davies remarked, "I'm not sure how long she stood there." "The intense fear made it seem like minutes, even though it didn't seem like it was long."Abruptly, the woman turned and climbed into the passenger seat of a Plymouth Duster from the early 1970s that was parked next to the pickup where Davies was sitting.Davies stated, "The driver, who I couldn't see, backed the car out of the lot and drove away." "All anxiety and a sensation of danger vanished instantly. It seemed odd to me how abrupt it was considering how strong it had been only moments before.Internet reports of these beings, whose eyes are black holes with no whites or iris, started to surface in 1998. The accounts of these encounters are uncannily similar. These beings typically show up at night and ask to be invited inside your home, vehicle, or for a solitary stroll. When they are encountered, people are scared, but not because of their lifeless black eyes because their eyes are first hidden by a cap, hoodie, or the angle of their head. When they finally move and observers are able to view the two dark gaps, the fear increases. Reports of encounters with these black-eyed individuals have come from all across the world.What are these things that creep up on people silently and calmly and make them afraid? These people with black eyes have been believed by authors like David Icke and Guy Malone to be everything from extraterrestrials to devils. They have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, working and reproducing alongside us, yet most of us are unaware of this.Alan Borky has seen these things, thus he knows they exist.He commented, "Have you ever noticed there's two kinds of anger?" on my blog, From the Shadows. There is the more common, fiery type. However, there is also a far rarer and more terrifying variety in which the individuals involved seem to suddenly become far more intensely concentrated than you've ever seen them to be, giving off this eerie aura of cold-blooded, almost lizard-like danger, rather than losing control.People he knows have been affected by this rage; their eyes have turned completely black."Every time this has happened, I've always had the unshakeable feeling that I wasn't dealing with my mother—my children's mother—any longer, nor with one of my parents, siblings, or friends," he remarked. "I rarely lose my temper, but when I do, I get really atomic, and people I can trust tell me later that my eyes went completely black. What's concerning is that on the few times this has happened, I've wanted to stay that way in addition to feeling tremendously powerful.A man going by the name Drakos responds to my information request and says he is one of these black-eyed beings."It would be impossible for you to distinguish me from an average person," he remarked. "Yet despite my exceptionally captivating personality, high level of intelligence, and other attributes that will make me seem even more arrogant than I already am. Only others appear to think differently of me than I do.Drakos claims that there has been a minimum of 6,000 years of our ancestry blending with this race of individuals with black eyes.He declared, "The story of the serpent in the Bible is not about a talking snake." It concerns a national representative of a people group descended from a race of gods. Because these "serpents" were rebellious, they tried to establish their own knowledge repositories. They were educators. They discovered a species of ignorant automatons called Homo sapiens, who had been bred for manual labor, and they provided them with knowledge that opened their minds.Drakos asserts that the black-eyed people are descended from the serpent mentioned in Genesis.That, he said, is the short narrative. "I know it sounds like a fairy tale." A fable that depicts the mating of this "serpent race" with humans. "It's true that there has been a lot of mixing; individuals frequently exhibit remarkable abilities that they credit to an ancestor who carried a unique genetic code," Drakos stated.Such a claim has biblical resonance, according to Patrick Heron, author of The Nephilim and the Pyramid of Apocalypse and The Return of the Antichrist. "They shall mix their seed with the seed of men,' according to Daniel 2:43, which seems to imply fallen angels mating with humans," Heron informed me via email. The kids come over softly yet firmly. They insisted on entering your home to grab a sip of water or to use the phone. You're afraid of these kids for some reason, and you can see why as your hand reaches up to open the door. They have black eyes. Nothing just a soulless, empty abyss with no iris or whites.In the late 1990s, stories about Black-Eyed Children started to surface on internet forums. Since I wrote my first piece on Black-Eyed Kids in 2008, the frequency of reports of these beings has increased.They are explained as hybrids of humans and aliens, as well as children possessed by demons and cryptoterrestrials. Whatever their origin, one thing is for sure: they're scary.A Haunting ForceWhile returning from Wake Tech Community College, which is located close to Raleigh, North Carolina, Kerrie Kisner didn't plan to stop at the Triangle Town Center mall, but she did. The regret washed over her.The 20-year-old Kisner remarked, "I found it strangely eerie how quiet it was because there were very few people there that day." "As I turned the corner to get back to my car, I noticed an elderly woman and a small child. I was instantly drawn to him since he had such an unusual appearance—I had never seen anyone like him before.The youngster, who appeared to be around twelve years old, was anything but ordinary as Kisner saw him converse with the mother. The boy's pale skin and black hair made for a striking contrast, with dark patches hanging beneath his eyes. According to Kisner, "it appeared like he hadn't slept in weeks." "His face was extremely thin."Kisner overheard the two talking as she approached them. The child requested assistance from the woman in a firm yet quiet voice. As she rummaged through her purse for something to give him, "he stood very rigid with his hands by his sides looking at the ground," according to Kisner. "I noticed he seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable as I drew closer."When Kisner walked past them toward her car, the youngster started to twist his body, then he raised his head and looked directly into her eyes. "I became motionless. Kisner remarked, "His eyes were as dull and black as night, almost dead." "I've been haunted by the look he gave me." I had the impression that he was phantom-like and not fully present.With his eyes fixed on Kisner's, the child turned slowly and went away, without even waiting for the older woman to give him what she had searched through her handbag for. Kisner will always remember this boy, even if she is unsure of his identity. She remarked, "That look he gave me has haunted me ever since." It was almost as if he understood my thoughts.What was this person Kisner observed at the Raleigh mall? An Unexplained Experience This youngster and those like him, in Ezekiel Finch's opinion, are not human. Not anymore, at least."I've encountered these issues numerous times. other ones in various states," he remarked. "Vampires, I can tell you what these things are with a good degree of certainty."Finch did not identify despite having two close encounters with Black-Eyed People, one in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the other in the medium-sized East Coast city where he resides."In the low 30s, I had two of my longest encounters in extremely close quarters," Finch remarked. "I kept the closest eye on them that I could."Finch was suddenly uncomfortable as he stood in the tiny group of individuals in the chilly night. There was a problem with both of those people. Initially, it was their dark eyes fixedly gazing over strange grins; later, it was a more nuanced expression.Humans breathe continuously. That's all they do, Finch said; they inhale before speaking. When they did talk, nothing was visible to you. Not a single thing. They didn't have visible breath, although everyone else did.Finch observed the two engaging in conversation with those in their vicinity. From the mouths of everyone else, steam sprang up. "It's nothing from them," he declared. For the next 10 minutes, Finch observed them intently and realized that the reason their breath was invisible in the chilly night was because they were not breathing. "The torso did not move at all. As dead as a corpse.Conversations about the weird and unexplained frequently touch on Black-Eyed People, and nearly all accounts of their encounters are uncannily identical. From the age of six to adulthood, children will approach individuals by themselves or in a group and plead for assistance, asking them to let them in, give them a ride, or follow them here. Another fabled characteristic of a vampire is authorization to enter.According to Finch, "they ask permission for a very basic reason: if someone invites you into their home, they are less likely to call the police," "Whatever ruse they used to get you to open the door, they can catch you off guard. Then, BAM, you find out why they are actually there." "You invite them in, you feel bad for them, you drink with them, buy drugs from them, (have sex with) them."Finch's second encounter was a little more intimate than a group of folks across a parking lot."I had the unfortunate experience of speaking with one as she attempted to persuade me that it was acceptable for her to be welcomed into my home," stated Finch. "She was standing there in a spaghetti-strapped top and a tiny miniskirt; it was thirty degrees outside with snow on the ground."He initially believed the girl, who was wearing skimpy clothing, may be high when she begged him to let her into his house, but he soon realized otherwise. "No visible breath, no inhaling, no reaction to the cold," he claimed. "She didn't give a damn about breathing or temperature."According to Finch, Black-Eyed People are nothing less than monsters. "They want you to feel comfortable. They want you to believe that they are harmless and safe. You want to let them in or give them a ride," he remarked. "They are hunters."Handling FearWith the brilliant ember of his cigarette shining brightly in the darkness, Jim Stills stood in the parking lot of his brick apartment building located in Massachusetts. He soon discovered he wasn't by himself. "I usually go stand outside to have my cigarette at night," he remarked. "I saw that there was a child there."The "kid" was between the ages of twelve and sixteen. The boy's peculiar pace caught Stills' attention every night as he walked down the street toward him. Stills remarked, "I've lived in these buildings my entire life, and I've never seen this kid anywhere." "He would appear at around ten o'clock at night and amble along the main road at a slow pace."The child would check doors as he made his way from one building to the next. "I stopped going out in front at night because it was enough to frighten me." Still, he searched for him. Night every night, Stills would observe him staring out his widow while wandering slowly up and down the street until roughly three in the morning.Eventually, Stills moved on from the boy and walked outdoors to smoke one evening. He was scared by what he saw. "The child was standing right next to my door," Stills remarked. "Standing there staring at me and requesting that I buzz him inside the structure."Stills could see the boy's eyes through his hoodie, even if his face was hidden. "Very dark," he said. "It's completely colorless everywhere."After telling the youngster that he couldn't let him inside, Stills quickly retreated inside the structure, ensuring sure the door was secured behind him. He claimed to have experienced "this overwhelming feeling of absolute terror in my body." I didn't sleep, and every now and then I would glance out my window to see the boy pacing down the street. Even though I haven't seen him in months, I will no longer sit outside at night.They are abominations.A user using by the handle "Black-Eyed Children" on my blog claimed to have fought one in the woods.He wrote, "It manifested as a fifteen-year-old girl." Its eyes were jet black, as I noted. It was assertive, then hostile. My apprehension turned to rage somehow. According to Anonymous, this "girl" had rows of fangs that resembled sharks, and "the black eyes seemed to become even darker as it moved closer to him."People all throughout the world are reporting seeing what appear to be human-looking beings but are actually something else entirely—something dark. Whatever these entities may be. Finch believes they are consuming us. No alien/human hybrids, sorry. No schoolchildren under demonic possession. No abominations from other dimensions. They're monsters, Finch declared. "Avoid letting them in and attempting to become friends with them. They are more like Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy—monsters that masquerade as people—than Ann Rice or Twilight.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

An Egyptian Expert Claims to Have Scientific Proof of the Mummy's Curse

News has it that the "Kids, don't try this at home" vault has uncovered the secret recipe that Egyptian funeral directors used to preserve human remains. The formula was found in ceramic pots from an ancient Egyptian embalming workshop near one of the oldest pyramids ever built. There are a few surprises on the ingredients list, which demonstrates how much effort they put into this enigmatic process. Thinking about it now, we should have put this formula in the "Adults, don't try this at home" folder as well. We can make a human body endure forever if we follow the ingredients and methods outlined in Saqqara. “Ancient Egyptians developed an outstanding ability to protect the human body from decomposition or destruction after death—instigated by the belief that the decomposition of the corpse presented a physical obstacle toward attaining the afterlife15. Performed by specialized and learned individuals (ritualist embalmers), embalming was both a chemical and a ritual process.” (from “Biomolecular analyses enable new insights into ancient Egyptian embalming” in the journal Nature) Since the beginning of the exploitation and study of Egyptian tombs millennia ago, mummies—or mummified bodies, as they are now more often known—have attracted archaeologists and the general public. Though it contributed nothing to our understanding of their embalming process, researching and unwrapping them helped put an end to the defilement of these human remains. Tools and containers discovered in tombs and, later, ancient embalming facilities have thus become the focus of fresh research on the mummification processes. In 2016, one of these workshops was found at the necropolis of Saqqara, the old Memphis burial grounds next to the Pyramid of Djoser, also called the Step Pyramid. Additional digging revealed a shaft leading to a subterranean embalming room and burial chamber, where the mummification secrets were discovered, in addition to the partially subterranean workshop. We analysed the organic contents of 31 ceramic vessels recovered from a 26th Dynasty embalming workshop at Saqqara. These vessels were labelled according to their content and/or use, enabling us to correlate organic substances with their Egyptian names and specific embalming practices.” How practical! Maxime Rageot, a biomolecular archaeologist from Germany's University of Tübingen, and colleagues were able to narrow down the riddles of Egyptian mummification thanks to the labelled containers discovered in the workshop. The earliest of these clay jars dates back to 664 BCE, and several of them have embalming instructions like "to put on his head" or "bandage with it." Some even went so far as to include the embalming workshop administrator's name. Previous study had relied on chemical examinations of mummies and their wrappings or few historical documents; this discovery put the team far ahead of the curve. With these items, the archaeologists were able to re-create the space as it had been 2700 years ago, when it served as an actual embalming facility.The German and Egyptian researchers examined the remnants with a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer at the National Research Centre lab in Giza, Egypt, to identify the compounds. One of the most reliable methods for determining the composition of a sample is gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The most legible labels were on 22 red bowls and 9 beakers that contained the samples. Embalming the head was the purpose of one sample that included elemi resin, Pistacia tree resin, beeswax, and juniper by-products, as stated on the jar label. The most typical combination included juniper, cypress, and cedar oil or tar, animal fat, plant oil, and elemi, a fragrant essential oil that belongs to the same botanical family as myrrh and frankincense. However, one bowl just contained animal fat. Scholars of mummification were surprised to learn about the use of elemi and juniper/cypress. I found the directions on the jars to be really useful: “Six other sherds provided information on substances used for washing the body, reducing bodily odour and softening the skin, as well as a recipe for the treatment of the liver and another for the stomach. The bowl labelled with ‘to wash’, contained markers of oil or tar of conifer, and the bowl inscribed with ‘to make his odour pleasant’ showed evidence of ruminant animal fat (adipose or dairy) and degraded Burseraceae resin. In the vessel with inscriptions related to the treatment of the skin, which may have occurred on the third day of embalming, we identified a mixture of animal ruminant fat (adipose or dairy) combined with heated beeswax.” A second surprise was the vast array of mummification compounds used at the Saqqara workshop. Surprisingly, the majority of these substances were imported. and frequently from faraway places. The Dead Sea was probably the source of the bitumen. The Pistacia, olive, cedar, juniper, and cypress tree resins originated from various parts of the Mediterranean basin. The Levant, a vast territory in Western Asia's Eastern Mediterranean region, is the source of by-products from the cedars of Lebanon (Cedrus libani). Beeswax and animal fats might have been the sole locally sourced materials. It was clear from this that the embalming procedure was the driving force behind Egypt's thriving international trading network. The fact that some tropical resins have made it all the way to Southeast Asia was brought to light by study co-author Professor Philipp Stockhammer. But what really captivated him were the techniques used by these old embalmers. “'I was fascinated by this chemical knowledge. In the embalming process the skin is immediately endangered by being colonized by microbes that would eat up the skin. These people used antibacterial and antifungal substances to keep the skin best preserved, but without having any microbiological background – without knowing about bacteria. My personal highlight was to see this enormous knowledge that has accumulated through centuries of experience of embalming.” The ancient embalmers' profound understanding of chemistry and biology was on full display when they uncovered the mummification process's components and techniques. They were aware that natron salt, when applied topically, dried the body from the inside out, while bitumen and beeswax reduced moisture by sealing the skin's pores. Still unsolved is the final piece of the mummification puzzle: how did the ancient embalmers find the substances' qualities and develop the formulas that allowed corpses to endure for thousands of years? An Egyptian biochemist working out of Cairo's National Research Centre, Mahmoud Bahgat, contributed to the study and proposed a remedy: An Egyptian Expert Claims to Have Scientific Proof of the Mummy's Curse He asserts that the symptoms he had after opening a sealed ancient Egyptian tomb in 2019—including "hallucinations," "coughing up blood," and a near-death experience—are "scientific" evidence of the so-called Mummy's Curse. Ramy Romany is an Egyptologist. Despite centuries of urban legend linking that "curse" to the deaths of tomb explorers, no evidence of its existence has ever been found "scientifically." Does Romany truly possess the proof necessary to transform this renowned work of fiction into a reality? There are three individuals who are closely linked to mummies but who have escaped its curse: Boris Karloff, who was in the 1932 original, Lon Chaney Jr., who was in three sequels, and Brendan Fraser, who was in a modern trilogy of mummy films but who did not play the role of a mummy. The most well-known "curse of the mummy" story began fifteen years before the first Karloff picture. After discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun in November 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon (George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon and expedition financier) opened it, went inside, and spent time in the mummified pharaoh's unsealed burial chamber. The tomb exploration was cut short when Lord Carnarvon grew unwell and died on April 5, 1923, shortly after leaving. Shortly after he fell ill, whispers of a "Mummy's Curse" started circulating. When he passed away at the age of 56, the first "death by mummy" had occurred; doctors had diagnosed blood poisoning and pneumonia due to an infected cut and a mosquito bite. The four more deaths of individuals connected to the opening and investigation of Tut's tomb, namely Howard Carter, were inferred to be the result of the mummy's curse and served as the basis for the films. No matter the circumstances, the'mummy's curse' is blamed whenever archaeologists get sick or die when investigating tombs, such the case of the ten out of twelve conservationists who, in 1973, excavated the tomb of King Casimir IV Jagiellon of Poland, who lived in the 15th century, and who all died within a few weeks or months. Is the curse caused by the mummy or something else within the tomb?  “While filming, we went into a tomb that hadn't been opened in years. We unlocked the door and the locals kept their distance at first to make sure there were no snakes or curses of any kind. Not believing in curses, we just went straight down the stairs. The tomb seemed endless. We kept going down, and it's quite dusty. And I breathed it all in And that day I was returning on foot to Cairo, and I became unwell.” Here we have Ramy Romany, an Egyptologist and filmmaker. His 2019 "Mummies Unwrapped" episode was filmed at the Amarna archeological site, which was constructed by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten—the pharaoh before Tutankhaten—as he recently disclosed on The Jordan Harbinger Show. The filmmaker decided to investigate several unopened tombs that had lain dormant for at least 600 years. He entered one such tomb and started filming what he found. "There's that ammonia bat urine smell, there's been snakes in there, along with just these very strange smells all going in and your body is telling you 'stop breathing this is not good'... I'm a host on the Discovery Channel, I'm yelling at the camera and being very excited and I'm breathing all this crap in." Ramony returned to his accommodations once the day's activities came to a close. He recounts waking up with a 107 F temperature, blood in his cough, and hallucinations. In spite of his claim that "None of the doctors really knew what I had," medical professionals were summoned and antibiotics were prescribed. The antibiotics took four days to take effect, restoring Romany's normal temperature and eradicating her coughing fits and hallucinations. He went on to say that this was the closest he had ever been to death. "The reason that I'm telling you this story is because it is true, the scientific Curse of the Mummy is very true. I just opened a tomb that was closed for only 600 years let alone for the 6,000 years one and I was in a horrible shape the next day. So the curse of the mummies do exist scientifically." Well then... Within 24 hours after entering an ancient tomb that had likely not been opened in 600 years, Ramy Romany fell fatally ill from breathing in a mixture of particles from soil, tomb materials, animal and bug feces, chemical reactions, potential human remains, and more. No way can that be considered "scientific" evidence of a mummy's curse. To get to the bottom of this, we checked out a recent piece in The Big Think that retraces our steps back to 1973, when the tomb of Polish ruler Casimir IV Jagiellon was opened. It seems like 10 out of 12 persons who went inside died there. The tomb was found to be filled with Aspergillus flavus, a dangerous mold that can cause aspergillosis in humans. Aspergillosis affects the lungs, causes acute inflammation and breathing problems, and can even grow in the lungs, spread throughout the body, and be fatal to those with weakened immune systems. Microbiologist Bolesław Smyk later conducted an inspection of the tomb and confirmed this discovery. According to research, Aspergillus flavus fungus spores can live on grains found in tombs or even on human remains, where they can remain active for hundreds of years. It was connected to the tomb of Tut and the death of Lord Carnarvon in 2003, according to researchers. “On March 17, 1923, The Times of London reported that Lord Carnarvon suffered from ‘pain as the inflammation affected the nasal passages and eyes.’ This description is consistent with invasive Aspergillus sinusitis with local extension to the orbit.” An illustration of Pulmonary aspergillosis caused by mold fungi Aspergillus. Because of his compromised immune system, Lord Carnarvon was particularly susceptible to the deadly mold that had not previously been associated with ancient tombs; this mold was known to cause multiple chest infections after he was in a major automobile accident in 1901. It seems like there's some solid evidence that ancient mummy tombs may have harbored a poisonous mold that afflicted those with compromised immune systems with deadly diseases. It's not a very compelling plot, but it may make filmmakers and tomb explorers like Ramy Romany think twice about entering without protective gear like breathing apparatuses and heavy-duty masks. 15

A look at how the Rendlesham Forest "UFO" Affair

A look at how the Rendlesham Forest "UFO" Affair came to be revealed after being kept a secret for so long Rendlesham Forestufo's name Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom The majority of people are aware of the well-known "UFO landing" that took place in Rendlesham Forest, England, in the last few days of December 1980. In some ways, it is comparable to the Roswell scandal as well as the Betty Hill and Barney Hill case. To put it another way, it persists forever and is of enormous proportions. Nevertheless, despite the fact that a great number of people are aware of the case, I've realized that a great number of other individuals are unaware of the process by which the tale was disclosed and made available to the public. It is, without a doubt, a story that is very captivating. There were a number of weird contacts and bizarre episodes that took place in the depths of Rendlesham Forest, which is located in Suffolk, England, during the latter days of December 1980. Moreover, this occurred over the course of three nights, no less. Many of those who were present believed, on the basis of their own personal experiences, that something that was virtually unfathomable occurred in the woods on the evening of December 26. The woods were nearly pitch black. It is necessary for me to emphasize that lives were irrevocably changed, and the majority of them were not for the better. The thoughts of many of those who were present on those incredible nights were blown away, tossed around, and flipped upside down, and this happened in an extremely short amount of time. Those occurrences included members of the United States military who were stationed in the United Kingdom at the time when everything took place. In the event that the Soviet Union (as it was at the time) decided to stretch its muscles just a little bit too much – or, even worse, intended on striking the proverbial red button and ending civilization in a matter of hours – their primary responsibility was to provide major support. In a matter of minutes, perhaps. They came face to face with something that was much stranger than the likes of a crashed Soviet satellite, a secret Stealth-type plane that malfunctioned and went off-course, or something similar to today's drones, all of which have been suggested as potential candidates for whatever it was that landed more than four decades ago. According to reports, those United States personnel who were in the area and helped to protect the United Kingdom came face to face with something that was much more peculiar. On the other hand, there are many who are completely positive that extraterrestrial beings were encountered; indeed, they are extraterrestrials from another world. When it comes to unidentified flying objects (UFOs), Rendlesham Forest is right up there with the best of them. There is absolutely no reason to be surprised that the case has been referred to as "Britain's Roswell." The reason for the broad visibility and notoriety that surrounds the case is not because anything actually crashed in the forest; rather, it was reported as being much more like a touch-down on the ground. It is Nick Redfern. The Rendlesham incident is depicted in this photograph from my point of view. The events that took place in December 1980 have been the focus of a great number of documentaries that have been broadcast during prime time on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as a larger number of publications. In addition, one of my books. Aside from that, there are currently a great deal of books written about the case. The majority of the authors who are responsible for those identical works are of the opinion that extraterrestrials did, in fact, touch down in the lovely county of Suffolk, and not just once by any means. A significant number of the military people who were engaged have come out to share their accounts of the events that took place. A number of them are certain that they have had experiences with alien beings. None of the other possible responses are acceptable to them. But what if, contrary to popular belief, there is another explanation for the events that took place forty years ago? What would happen if that explanation, if it were to be revealed, turned out to be even more contentious than the idea that extraterrestrial beings had manifested themselves among us? The implications for the study of ufology has the potential to be enormous, and it is highly likely that they will be. Even more provocative are the issues that follow: were members of the United States Air Force exposed to mind-bending technology that was of a terrestrial origin, rather than technology that was of an extraterrestrial nature? Was it truly a series of top-secret experiments carried out by the intelligence agencies of the United States of America and the United Kingdom, as well as by scientists and military agencies? Was the entire, dreadful thing started with the intention of determining how and to what degree the brains of the individuals who were targeted could be twisted, to the point where the witnesses would believe anything and everything? Possibly even to the point where some of those servicemen were persuaded that extraterrestrial beings had made their appearance and possibly even talked with us? Indeed. Have human rights been disregarded for reasons that are related to the protection of the nation? Unquestionably, so. Did the governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom engage in high-level cover-ups and conspiracies in order to conceal the odd and terrifying truth that lies beneath the legend? Perhaps. Now that we have that out of the way, let's take a look at how the story came to be.Regarding the question of how Ufology came to know of the story, there is not a shred of doubt in anyone's mind that the group consisting of Brenda Butler, Dot Street, and Jenny Randles was the one that initiated the process. The very first book ever written about the enigma was titled Sky Crash: A Cosmic Conspiracy, and it was published in 1984. These authors were the ones who wrote it. Moreover, there is little question that if they had not conducted their investigations together, our understanding of the happenings would be nowhere like as advanced as it is at the present time. In the event that those three dogged investigators had not been present, it is possible that the truth of those instances would have stayed completely concealed and concealed away. To the end? Against that, I would not place a wager. It is clear from this that Dot, Jenny, and Brenda were extremely committed to uncovering the truth about what had place in those Suffolk forests, and this gives you an impression of the depth of their dedication. I would want to provide you with some background information regarding the beginning of the story. I'll give it to you in exchange: One fortunate circumstance was that Brenda lived in close proximity to the forest and had a significant number of contacts in the area, which was a really fortunate circumstance. Particularly noteworthy was the fact that this included acquaintances who worked for the United States military in the region. The fact that Brenda would hear stories of something weird that had occurred just beyond the bounds of RAF Woodbridge was not something that was absolutely certain to happen. Nevertheless, the likelihood of such a catastrophe happening at some point in the future was extremely high. This is something that has been documented in the annals of history, and it without a doubt took place. Due to the fact that Dot and Brenda were friends, they made the decision to investigate the potentially sensational subject in a thorough and cautious manner. Soon after that, in the beginning of 1981, Jenny Randles, who had been a ufologist for a very long time, joined their team. It was just a little over a month after Lieutenant Colonel Halt had produced his report for the Ministry of Defense in the United Kingdom when the three individuals began their investigation into the matter swiftly. Aside from that, the three never turned around. It was a scenario that gave the impression that, at the very least, a spacecraft from a distant world had landed in the forest. The field of ufology witnessed a breakthrough that was unimaginable just a short time ago. This was a development that could not have been anticipated. On the other hand, such a change did take place. Proceeding onward now...One of the most important sources for the narrative that the three women relied on was the pseudonymous "Steve Roberts." The remarks of this individual, which will remain in their memories forever, inspired the three women to investigate the subject in further depth. The man was very careful to conceal his true identity because of the sensitive nature of the situation around him and his story. However, a great deal of time has passed since the very beginning of 1981, and a lot of water has gone under the bridge. A great deal more is now known to us. This contains the actual name of the primary source that was released early on. After serving as an officer in the Royal Air Force Police, Gary Heseltine went on to have a career with the British Transport Police that lasted for twenty-four years, during which time he spent the most of his time working as a detective inside the force. "Surprisingly, to this day, many people don't realize that the mysterious 'Steve Roberts witness' has been identified for many years as J. D. Ingles," says Heseltine, who has spent a significant amount of time researching what took on in Rendlesham Forest. Heseltine notes that this is something that many people are unaware of. At the time of the incident, Ingles was present on the base. He was a Sergeant in the Reports and Analysis branch of the 81st Security Police Squadron. A continuation of the story: United States Government This is just one of the many documents that were involved in the incident that occurred in Rendlesham Forest.The document was compiled by the government of the United States of America. It is now considered to be in the public domain.In a significant way, the comments of their source were what drew the attention of Street, Butler, and Randles during the course of their investigation. When it came to pursuing the story, they did an excellent and reliable job. Because of this, a book was published not long after. Even after a few decades have passed, Sky Crash continues to be an outstanding piece of literature to read. These were just the beginning of the things that were about to happen: shadowy individuals, chicanery from the Ministry of Defense, frightening goings-on in the woods (day and night, no less), stories of extraterrestrial visitation, and military personnel hiding their real names out of fear of what may happen to them. In the weeks and months that followed, the Ministry of Defense demonstrated a remarkable lack of openness when it came to discussing the incidents that occurred in December with members of the public and the media. Without a doubt. Additionally, they were much more hesitant about engaging in conversation with an enthusiastic group of UFO investigators who were not going to give up. The three of them are, of course, Jenny, Dot, and Brenda. Moreover, they did not deter.In some respects, the Ministry of Defense was unable to do much about it since wild and crazy stories about the shocking occurrences were already spreading. This made it difficult for the ministry to take any action. At some point in time, the situation would escalate into a chaotic torrent. It was not until April 13, 1983 that an official statement was given to Jenny Randles that a number of "lights" had been observed in the region of Rendlesham Forest and that they remained "unexplained." This is shown to be an example of how extremely cautious and determined the Ministry of Defense was to try to keep matters under wraps. Yes, you read that correctly: it took two years for the whispers that something very weird and non-human had been sighted in Rendlesham Forest to begin to unravel in a disorderly manner in the world of intelligence and the military. The individuals who had been concealing the truth were now in the precarious position of being unable to maintain control of the situation. Not good for them. To our advantage.In compliance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act of the United States of America, a copy of the memo written by Lieutenant Colonel Halt was declassified almost two months after the day it was written. An American UFO investigator by the name of Robert Todd, who has since passed away, was the recipient of this discovery. Colonel Peter Bent, who was serving as the Commander of the 513th Combat Support Group (CSG) at the time, expressed his astonishment in a letter that he sent to Todd on June 14, 1983. In his statement, he stated, "It may be of interest to you to learn that the United States Air Force had no longer kept a copy of the letter that was written by Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Halt on January 13, 1981." The copy of the Air Force file had been disposed of in an appropriate manner in accordance with the regulations of the Air Force. Fortunately, the United States Air Force was able to obtain a copy for you as a result of the rigorous inquiry that was conducted and the generous consent that was granted by Her Majesty's government, the British Ministry of Defense, and the Royal Air Force.In a very short amount of time, Brenda, Dot, and Jenny found themselves in a situation that could be described as a definitive runaround. In a somewhat peculiar turn of events, Randles was informed, during the course of an interview with a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense named Pam Titchmarsh on August 18, 1983, that the Ministry of Defense had not provided the Americans with a copy of Halt's almost legendary memorandum. This was in stark contrast to the statement that had been made by Colonel Bent. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that Titchmarsh was quite hesitant to discuss the matter with Randles, who had already traveled to London with Street and Butler by this point by this point. "I wouldn't know," Titchmarsh responded in a manner that was both distinctly nervous and succinct when Randles inquired about whether or not the Ministry of Defense's "operational staff" had compiled their own files regarding the Rendlesham Forest circumstance. Titchmarsh was, at the very least, obligated to admit that her department within the Ministry of Defense (Defense Secretariat 8) did in fact have a copy of Halt's report on file. This was due to the fact that a copy of the Halt memo had been supplied to Flying Saucer seeker Robert Todd by the United States government. Although this was the case, the Ministry of Defense denied that the events that occurred in December 1980 had any kind of relevance for the defense sector. The Ministry of Defense has never, ever actually deviated from this obstinate, mule-like posture, which it has maintained its whole existence. The Ministry of Defense is very smitten with that mule. Has always liked it, and will continue to love it forever. With the help of Brenda, Dot, and Jenny, the story started to unfold in a very short amount of time. Moreover, the doors of secrecy were very quickly being opened by the media. Rendlesham was expanding around this time. And it continues to do so. And it wasn't long before the News of the World, a tabloid that is no longer published in the United Kingdom, began to delve further into the issue. The publication was filled with sensational stories about extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects. There was an increase in media coverage. There were additional newspapers that covered the story. Therefore, this is how the tale started to emerge from the confines of government secret and make its way into the media. Furthermore, it is quite improbable that the Rendlesham case will ever finally be resolved.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


I have always loved mermaids. When I was a child, I was mesmerized by the water. I loved all of the films they made about mermaids, "Splash," "The Little Mermaid," and even the somewhat recent "The Shape of Water," in which a merman is actually the protagonist. The thing is, we don't really know what's in our oceans. Researchers keep finding new creatures in our oceans. According to, they just found a brand new creature on our ocean floor that looks like a cross between an alien and an octopus with a head that looks like a strawberry, which is why they named it the Antarctic strawberry feather star. Is it at all possible that there are more creatures on our ocean floor? Could smarter creatures, say humanoid creatures with a somewhat human intelligence, be smart enough to hide in the depths of the ocean?  There's a hypothesis called the aquatic monkey. The aquatic ape hypothesis, often referred to as the aquatic monkey theory, is a controversial proposal that suggests that the ancestors of modern humans had a semi-aquatic stage in their evolution. Proposed by British marine biologist Alister Hardy in the 1960s and popularized by writer Elaine Morgan, this hypothesis speculates that our hominid ancestors lived in a semi-aquatic environment, such as the shores of lakes, rivers, or coastlines. Proponents of the aquatic ape hypothesis argue that certain traits found in humans, such as our lack of body hair, subcutaneous fat, ability to control breath, and ability to walk upright, could be explained by adaptation to a semi-aquatic environment. These adaptations, they suggest, would have been beneficial for activities like wading, diving, or swimming for food and protection. What if, as the waters rose and the monkeys had to decide to either walk back into shore or walk further into the oceans, some walked into the land, making them our ancestors, and some of them dove into the sea, making them into mermaids and mermen? Could it not be possible that as we continued to evolve, to lose our tail and most of our hair, and to begin to walk completely upright, our "cousins" grew fins and evolved to be able to breathe underwater? Ok, let's say that you buy this theory and that you somewhat believe that mermaids could be possible. I would need proof—proof that mermaids exist. Would eyewitness accounts count?  Historic sightings  There are stories depicting a creature, which is a woman from the waist up and a fish from the waist down. These stories come from Syria, in 9 BCE. They are retelling the story of the goddess Artagatis, which is related to fertility and water.  The world's first encyclopedia, written by a Roman, is often credited to Pliny the Elder. Pliny the Elder was a Roman author, naturalist, and philosopher who lived from 23 to 79 AD. He wrote a comprehensive work titled "Naturalis Historia," commonly translated as "Natural History." "Naturalis Historia" is a vast encyclopedia that covers a wide range of subjects, including astronomy, geography, anthropology, zoology, botany, and mineralogy. It aimed to compile and systematize the knowledge available in the Roman Empire during his time. The work consists of 37 books and is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman Empire. Pliny the Elder's "Naturalis Historia" laid the foundation for later encyclopedic works and remains an essential source for understanding the state of knowledge in the ancient world. Pliny the Elder mentioned mermaids in his work "Naturalis Historia." In Book IX of his encyclopedia, Pliny discussed various marine creatures and included a section on mermaids, which he referred to as "nereids." He described nereids as sea nymphs with the appearance of young girls from the waist up but with fish-like tails below.  First Century AD: Pliny the Elder writes about Nereids, THE NAME they had for mermaids, or women with rough, scaly bodies like fish. They are “sitting upon dolphins, or ketoi, or hippocamps,” Pliny describes how the legatus of Gaul wrote to the late Emperor Augustus about “a considerable number of nereids” being “found dead upon the seashore.” Further, “I have, too, some distinguished informants of equestrian rank, who state that they themselves once saw in the ocean of Gades a sea-man,” Pliny writes, according to a translation by the University of Chicago. The translation provided by graduate student Mary Allyson Armistead is based on a section of the book Physiologus, which was written or compiled in Greek by an unidentified author in the fifth century AD. The section is titled "The Nature of the Mermaid." “In the sea there are many marvels. The mermaid is like a maiden. In breast and body, she is thus joined: From the navel downward, she is not like a maid. But a fish very certainly has sprouted fins. This marvel dwells in an unstable place where the water subsides. She sinks ships and causes suffering. She sings sweetly—this siren—and has many voices, Many are resonant, but they are very dangerous. Sailors forget their steering because of her singing. They slumber, sleep, and wake too late. And the ships sink in a whirlpool and cannot surface anymore. But wise and wary men are able to return. Often, they escape with all the strength they have. They have said of this siren that she is so grotesque. Half maid and half fish: something is meant by this." The article continues after the discussion. Vote and comment. [tok id=3118203983fcd9c541604c8ab1b7db35 partner=1966] Sometime between 1040 and 1105, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, or Rashi, describes mermaids in the Talmud. “There are fish in the sea with which half is in the form of man and half in the form of a fish, called sereine in Old French,” he wrote. Also, not too long after, the Moshav Zekeinim, a commentary on the “Torah” by the medieval Tosafists, explains mermaids while calling them sirens, according to the book Sacred Monsters. “This refers to the creature in the sea which is similar in part to a person, from the navel upwards, and it is similar to a woman in all aspects, in that it has breasts and long hair like that of a woman, and from the navel downwards it is a fish,” it is written in the commentary. “And it sings beautifully, with a pleasant voice.” 13th Century: Bartholomew Angelicus, in De Propietatibus Rerum, describes a mermaid and tells of her stealing sailors from their ships. Middle of the 13th Century: Speculum Regale, or The King's Mirror, is written in Old Norse; a translated version appears several centuries later. In the book, there is a description of a creature found off the shores of Greenland. “Like a woman as far down as her waist, long hands, and soft hair, the neck and head in all respects like those of a human being. The hands seem to be long, and the fingers not to be pointed, but united into a web like that on the feet of water birds. From the waist downwards this monster resembles a fish, with scales, tail, and fins. This shows itself, especially before heavy storms. The habit of this creature is to dive frequently and rise again to the surface with fishes in its hands. When sailors see it playing with the fish, or throwing them towards the ship, they fear that they are doomed to lose several of the crew ; but when it casts the fish from the vessel, then the sailors take it as a good omen that they will not suffer loss in the im-pending storm. This monster has a very horrible face, with broad brow and piercing eyes, a wide mouth and double chin." 1389: The book The Eastern Travels of John of Hesse is published, in which many perils during a voyage are relived. At one point, the author writes, "We came to a stony mountain, where we heard syrens singing, mermaids who draw ships into danger by their songs. We saw there many horrible monsters and were in great fear." 1403: A mermaid drifts inland through a broken dyke on the Dutch coast during the heavy storm. She was spied by some local women and their servants, “who at the first were afraid of her, but seeing her often, they resolved to take her, which they did, and bringing her home, she suffered herself to be clothed and fed with bread and milk and other meats, and would often strive to steal again into the sea, but being carefully watched, she could not.” The mermaid later learned how to sew but never spoke. She died 15 years after she was discovered. John Swan, an English minister, describes the story in the 1635 book Speculum Mundi. The book also includes the following descriptions of mermaids: "Transformed to fish, for their bold survery: But the' upper half of their heads remained still. And their sweet skill in wonted melody Whichever after they abused to ill, T' allure weake travelers whom gotten they did kill." 1493: Christopher Columbus spots three mermaids rise high from the sea. Columbus wrote in his ship's journal: “They were not as beautiful as they are painted, although to some extent they have a human appearance in the face.” He also noted that he had seen similar creatures off the coast of West Africa. 1560: According to Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Sabine Baring-Gould: “Near the island of Mandar, on the west of Ceylon, some fishermen entrapped in their net seven mermen and mermaids, of which several Jesuits, and Father Henriques, and Bosquez, physician to the Viceroy of Goa, were witnesses. The physician examined them with a great deal of care, and dissected them. He asserts that the internal and external structure resembled that of human beings.” 1590: William Shakespeare is believed to have written Midsummer Night's Dream between 1590 and 1594. In it, he writes: "I sat upon a promontory, And I heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back. Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath, That the rude sea grew civil at her song; And certain stars shot madly from their spheres. To hear the seamaid's music." Soon after, he continues. “Come over here, Puck. You remember that time I was sitting on a rocky coast when I head a mermaid? She was riding on a dolphin's back. Her singing was so sweet and pure that the rough sea grew calm and stars sot madly about the sky on hearing the sea-girls song.” 1608: Explorer Henry Hudson recounts an experience in the ship's journal that happened on June 15 while sailing through the Bering Sea off the top of Norway. "This morning one of our company, looking overboard, saw a mermaid, and calling up some of the company to see her, one more came up, and by that time she was coming close to the ship's side, looking earnestly at the men. A little while after, a sea came and overturned her. From the navel upward, her back and breast were like a woman's; as they say, they saw her; her body as big as one of ours; her skin very white; and long hair hanging down behind, of color black. On her way down, they saw her tail, which was like the tail of a porpoise and speckled like a mackerel. Their names that saw her were Thomas Hilles and Robert Rayney." Later, in the mid-1800's, in an analysis of the incident inThe romance of natural historyNaturalist Philip Henry Gosse says that the usual claim of sailors mistaking manatees for mermaids won't work here. "Whatever explanation may be attempted of this apparition, the ordi-nary resource of seal and walrus will not be availed of here. Seals and walruses must have been as familiar to these polar mariners as cows to a milkmaid. Unless the whole story was a concocted lie between the two men, reasonless and objectless, and the worthy old navigator doubtless knew the character of his men, they must have seen some form of being as yet unrecognized." 1614: Captain John Smith, of Pocahontas fame, sees a mermaid off the coast of Massachusetts. He writes that "the upper part of her body perfectly resembled that of a woman, and she was swimming about with all possible grace near the shore." It had "large eyes, rather too round, a finely shaped nose (a little too short), well-formed ears, rather too long, and her long green hair imparted to her an original character by no means unattractive." 1619: Two senators in Norway capture a merman, according to Adventures in Unhistory. The senators, Ulf Rosensparre and Christian Hollh, decided to release the merman back into the sea. 1739: The Gentleman's Magazine describes in an issue an experience with a creature. “Some fisherman near the City of Exeter drawing their nets ashore, a Creature leap'd out, and run away very swiftly, not being able to overtake it, they knock'd it down by throwing sticks after it,” the description reads, according to Adventures in Unhistory. “At their coming up to it, it was dying, having groan'd like a human creature: Its feet were webb'd like a duck's, it had eyes, nose, and mouth resembling those of a man, only the nose somewhat depress'd; a tail not unlike a salmon's, turning up towards its back, and is four feet high.” It was publicly shown in the city. 1797: William Munro, a schoolteacher in Scotland, writes a letter to Dr. Torrance in Glasgow, which is published in The Times of London on Sept. 8, 1809. Munro writes: "About twelve years ago when I was Parochial Schoolmaster at Reay, in the course of my walking on the shore of Sandside Bay, being a fine warm day in summer, I was induced to extend my walk towards Sandside Head, when my attention was arrested by the appearance of a figure resembling an unclothed human female, sitting upon a rock extending into the sea, and apparently in the action of combing its hair, which flowed around its shoulders, and of a light brown colour. The resemblance which the figure bore to its prototype in all its visible parts was so striking, that had not the rock on which it was sitting been dangerous for bathing, I would have been constrained to have regarded it as really an human form, and to an eye unaccustomed to the situation, it must have undoubtedly appeared as such. The head was covered with hair of the colour above mentioned and shaded on the crown, the forehead round, the face plump. The cheeks ruddy, the eyes blue, the mouth and lips of a natural form, resembling those of a man; the teeth I could not discover, as the mouth was shut; the breasts and abdomen, the arms and fingers of the size in which the hands were employed, did not appear to be webbed, but as to this I am not positive. It remained on the rock three or four minutes after I observed it, and was exercised during that period in combing its hair, which was long and thick, and of which it appeared proud, and then dropped into the sea, which was level with the abdomen, from whence it did not reappear to me, I had a distinct view of its features, being at no great distance on an eminence above the rock on which it was sitting, and the sun brightly shining.” He continues: “Immediately before its getting into its natural element it seemed to have observed me, as the eyes were directed towards the eminence on which I stood. It may be necessary to remark, that previous to the period I beheld the object, I had heard it frequently reported by several persons, and some of them person whose veracity I never heard disputed, that they had seen such a phenomenon as I have described, though then, like many others, I was not disposed to credit their testimony on this subject. I can say of a truth, that it was only by seeing the phenomenon, I was perfectly convinced of its existence. If the above narrative can in any degree be subservient to establishing the existence of a phenomenon hitherto almost incredible to naturalists or to remove the skepticism of others who are ready to dispute everything that they cannot fully comprehend, you are welcome to it. Dear Sir, Your most obliged and most humble servant, WILLIAM MUNRO" 1801: Dr. Chisolm recounts a visit four years prior to the island of Berbice in the Caribbean. The residents call mermaids mene mamma, or mother of waters. Governor Van Battenburgh gives the following description to Chisolm: “The upper portion resembles the human figure, the head smaller in proportion, sometimes bare, but oftener covered with a copious quantity of long black hair. The shoulders are broad, and the breasts large and well formed. The lower portion resembles the tail-portion of a fish, is of immense dimension, the tail forked, and not unlike that of the dolphin, as it is usually represented. The colour of the skin is either black or tawny. The animal is held in veneration and dread by the Indians, who imagine that the killing it would be attended with the most calamitous consequences. It is from this circumstance that none of these animals have been shot, and, consequently, not examined but at, a distance. They have been generally observed in a sitting posture in the water, none of the lower extremity being discovered until they are disturbed; when, by plunging, the tail appears, and agitates the water to a considerable distance round. They have been always seen employed in smoothing their hair, or stroking their faces and breasts with their hands, or something resembling hands. In this posture, and thus employed, they have been frequently taken for Indian women bathing.” 1822: A young man, John McIsaac of Scotland, testifies under oath that he saw an animal that had a white upper half with the shape of the human body, while the other half was covered with scales and had a tail, according to a story in the London Mirror. The sighting took place in 1811. McIsaac describes the creature as having long, light brown hair, being between four and five feet long, and having fingers close together. “It continued above water for a few minutes, and then disappeared,” according to the article. “The Minister of Campbeltown, and the Chamberlain of Mull, attest his examination, and declare that they know no reason why his veracity should be questioned.” 1830: Villagers at Benbecula, in the Outer Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland saw a small woman on shore. They tried capturing it, but failed, so they pelted it with rocks. A few days later,its corpse washed ashore, according to Hidden Animals. They then examined it. “The upper part of the body was about the size of a well-developed child of three or four years of age, with an abnormally developed breast. The hair was long, dark, and glossy, while the skin was white, soft, and tender. The lower part of the body was like a salmon, but without scales.” The creature was buried in a coffin later on. 1842: Phineas Barnum, of Barnum and Brothers fame, got connected with what was said to be a mermaid who had been caught near the Feejee Islands in the South Pacific. There is much debate about whether the mermaid was a mermaid or something else. On the supporting side, the New York Sun had a review which in part said: “We've seen it! What? Why that Mermaid! The mischief you have! Where? What is it? It's twin sister to the deucedest looking thing imaginable—half fish, half flesh; and 'taken by and large,' the most odd of all oddities earth or sea has ever produced." In a portion of an autobiography written by Barnum, published by the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University, Barnum says that he obtained the specimen from the estate of a dead sailor who had purchased it from Japanese sailors. Barnum recounts going to his naturalist to ascertain the “genuineness of the animal.” His naturalist tells him that he cannot conceive of how it was manufactured, “for he never knew a monkey with such peculiar teeth, arms, hands, etc., nor had he knowledge of a fish with such peculiar fins.” Barnum writes, "Then why do you suppose it is manufactured?" I inquired. "Because I don't believe in mermaids," replied the naturalist. "That is no reason at all," said I, "and therefore I'll believe in the mermaid and hire it." Barnum showed the animal in his museum in New York and got out of it for quite a bit of money. Others say that the whole thing was a hoax and that it was created by Japanese artisans. 1857: The Shipping Gazette reported that a Scottish seaman had spotted a creature off the coast of Britain. "We distinctly saw an object about six yards distant from us in the shape of a woman, with full breast, dark complexion, comely face, and fine hair hanging in ringlets over the neck and shoulders. It was about the surface of the water to about the middle, gazing at us and shaking its head. The weather being fine, we had a full view of it and that for three or four minutes,” said John Williamson and  John Cameron. 1947: A old fisherman in Scotland reported that he had seen a mermaid in the sea about twenty yards from the shore, sitting combing her hair on a floating herringbox used to preserve live lobsters, according to Sir Arthur Waugh in The Folklore of the Merfolk. “Unfortunately, as soon as she looked round, she realized that she had been seen, and plunged into the sea,” he writes. “But no questioning, says Mr Maclean, could shake the  old fisher- man's conviction: he was adamant that he had seen a mermaid. So one never knows!" 2008: A sighting of a mermaid happened in Suurbraak, a village in the Western Cape of South Africa, reported Aldo Pekeur, a correspondent for the New Zealand Herald. A resident of the village, Daniel Cupido, said he and his friends were next to the river around 11:30 p.m. when they heard something like someone “bashing on a wall.” Cupido went toward the sound, and found a figure "like that of a white woman with long black hair thrashing about in the water". Cupido said he tried to help the woman but the woman made “the strangest sound,” which Dina, Cupido’s mother, said was so sorrowful “my heart could take it no more.” The creatures are described as Kaaiman, or half human and half fish creatures living in deep pools. Suurbraak tourism officer Maggy Jantjies said she knew the people who saw the Kaaiman well, and that they did not misuse alcohol 2009: The reports from dozens of people of seeing mermaids spurred the town council in Kiryat Yam, near Haifa, to offer $1 million to anyone who can prove by photo or capture that mermaids do exist. "Many people are telling us they are sure they've seen a mermaid and they are all independent of each other," council spokesman Natti Zilberman told Sky News. "People say it is half girl, half fish, jumping like a dolphin. It does all kinds of tricks then disappears.” 2012: An official in Zimbabwe said that mermaids were hounding government workers off dam sites in several different areas. Water Resources Minister Sam Sipepa Nkomo told a senate committee in March that traditional chiefs were going to perform rituals to get rid of the mermaids believed to live in reservoirs in Gokwe and Mutare, where workers are afraid to go, according to Voice of America. Some workers reportedly went missing, while others have refused to go back to install water pumps. Traditional leader chief Edison Chihota of Mashonaland East told the media outlet that mermaids exist. “As a custodian of the traditional I have no doubt," chief Chihota said. "For anyone to dispute this is also disputing him or herself.” Animal Planet actually did a documentary a few years ago, which I found most interesting. The following is some of the information that I took from the documentary, and then a link to the documentary itself.  It all stared with a sound that could not be identified by the Oceanic recording device NOAA. A mass whaling was discovered, and somehow two boys were able to record the scene. The video revealed more than they expected. They had found a mermaid when the NOAA biologist got to the scene, and they were surprised to find that Navy was also on the scene. A respected marine biologist believed that many were utilizing a new sonic weapon that was killing the whales. To prove this, they listened to a sonic recording. They found a sonic boom created by the Navy, but they also found something else. A mysterious sound that they could not identify. The beaching was now happening all over the world, but whales were not the only things that were being washed ashore. Fish with bone-made spears coughing on their sides were also found. Someone was fishing with spears in the open ocean. The marine biologists began to think that perhaps when we began to evolve and began to walk upright at the sea, our ancestors would walk into the sea gathering fish for food. Perhaps it is here that our intelligence began with the fatty acids that were found in the sea. During this time, some of our ancestors moved deeper into the sea, while others moved away from it. Could it be that the ones that stayed in the water would later evolve into mermaids? It is not the first time in nature that this would happen; polar bears are now aquatic mammals, but they used to be brown bears, found only on land. But then they found something strange inside of a great white shark—something that was impossible to determine. They had only 30% of the body, but it was enough to study; this is what they found: A collapsible ribcage, which is only something that marine mammals have. Omnivore teeth are something that no marine mammals have. They took x-rays of the tail flute, which revealed bones—there are no marine mammals that have bones in their tail flutes. They found a large spleen, which is something also found in marine mammals. A CT scan revealed that the hips were those of a creature that had once walked upright for two feet. Armed with all of these incredible identifiers, they could only come up with one conclusion. Not only was this a newly discovered type of marine mammal, it was also once related to us. It came from the same family tree as us. But how closely is this thing that lives in water to us? When they reconstructed the skull, they found large eye cavities, which meant that the eyes were large; this is normal in animals that can see in darkness. The skull also revealed a similarity to our skull. Similar to our ancestors. They also found that it would be able to create sonic locations and intricate sounds. Which meant that this was the mystery creature that had made those strange sounds in the recording. Finally, there was only one explanation for what they had found. It was a mermaid. Perhaps there are no scientific records of mermaids, but there are hundreds and thousands of stories told all over the world about these creatures. Why is it that we can believe in God but not in fables and myths told for thousands of years by hundreds of different cultures that have never met? As soon as they dared to say the name out laud the government took all of their findings away “confiscation of a find with historical importance” This means that they could not prove what they had found. Why would the government do this? Why can we not find out the truth about such a thing? What would it really mean for the human race if we discovered that mermaids, the thing of myth, are real? Could it possibly mean that other creatures of myth and fable are also real? Could it be that we are not as alone as we feel? What else could we possibly find if we were allowed to explore deeper into the stuff of legends? But of course, this entire documentary has been proclaimed false by the agencies involved. When I did a search for Dr. Paul Roberton, I found another video of him with another name and even a small clip of the actor in a movie. So this whole documentary was put together by the great imagination of Animal Planet producers. That was a waste... But could some of their theories be correct? Could it be that mermaids do exist?  Some believe that sea cows have been mistaken by mermaids in the past (have you ever seen a sea cow?) The truth is that we have not discovered all known underwater creatures. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The mystery of the oak Island treasure

In 1799, Daniel Mcginnis was a teenager exploring a small island called Oak Island. At the time, he was looking to see if he could find a place to farm. Instead, he found a depression near an old oak tree. When he looked around, he saw what seemed to him to be indications of human activity. The area was cleared of vegetation, and there were stones that seemed to have been deliberately placed as some sort of marker. He grew curious and decided to come back with his friends at a later time, armed with shovels, in order to dig.

Daniel had heard the stories about Blackboard and Captain Kidd. It was rumored that the Atlantic region had been a hub of pirate activity, and it was not out of the realm of possibility to discover buried treasure. Oak Island is situated off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Soon Danile and his friends JOhn Smith and Anthony Vaugh came back and began to dig. The deeper they dug, the creepier the area became. They heard disembodied voices calling to them. After digging about 10 feet, they found wooden planks over a deeper hole; the hole was covered by logs, coconut fibers, and puddy. As they kept pulling dirt and wood out, they finally got to about 60 feet, where they reportedly found a stone tablet. As they pulled the stone tablet out of the hole, the hole suddenly began to flood, as if the release of the tablet had triggered some sort of curse. Their tools and lights would move in the night, as if ghosts were trying to chase them out. Soon the unexplained phenomena were too much for them, and they decided it was not worth it. 

Years later, a Halifax university professor translated the tablet: " 40 feet below, 2 million pounds, life buried." Some people believe that this has to do with a curse that is on the island or the treasure. The curse dictates that seven people have to die in search of the treasure before it can be found. So far, six people have died on the island in search of treasure. Only one more person needs to die for the curse to be fulfilled.

Although Danile and his friends quit their pirate hunting adventure, they did not quit talking about it, and soon Oak Island became a topic of fascination among their friends and acquaintances. Soon , everyone wanted to learn more about the mystery surrounding Oak Island and its hidden treasures. including people from outside the community who had heard rumors about the legendary curse and the countless failed attempts to uncover the treasure.


The next time we get any concrete information is in 1866, when a New York Herald newspaper prints a story about Oak Island, claiming that people have been looking  for Captain Kidd's buried treasure for over a century. It talks about how the search has discovered vaults of masonry, oak chests and barrels, and mysterious tunnels and caves on the island. It claims that the prize will be up to four million dollars.  In 1909, The New York Herald claims that Captain Henry L. Bowdoin, an engineer, announced his intention of solving the Oak Island mystery. Bowdoin forms the Old Gold Salvage and Wrecking Company. The newspapers soon began to call the area of excavation "the money pitt." This is due to the fact that as they excavated further, they found that wooden planks had been placed 100 feet down in order to close the cassam that followed it. Once removed, the hole was said to be 134 feet deep and 100 feet wide. This discovery sparked further intrigue and speculation about the origins of the money pit. After months of digging, Bowdinn decides that the money mitt is a hoax and gives up his permit. 

In 1913, Fredric Blair takes over the digging permit but does not find anything. In 1928, there was renewed interest in Oak Island when a New York newspaper ran a story on it. The article sparks a wave of speculation and curiosity about the mysterious Oak Island. Suspiciously, it happens to coincide with Fedric Blair's desire to get rid of the permit. 

In 1930, fibrous material was sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and they reported that it was from coconuts and possibly hundreds of years old. This makes people excited, thinking that the fibers are perhaps from ropes that were made in the past from coconut fibers. They imagine that these ropes were used to lower the chests filled with doubloons to the bottom of the pit. Although coconuts are not native to Nova Scotia, records have proved that coconuts were in trade in that area and could have been used by farmers at that time. However, an article on popular science published in 1939 stated that the fiber was found along "140 feet of beach." Everywhere they excavated along the beach, they found coconut fibers, enough to stack. No other evidence of coconut fibers was found anywhere else on the island, suggesting that the fibers were used in relation to the beach area.

In 1953, the land changed hands again. It is now owned by Gilbert Hedden, who hires Sprague and Henwood, Inc. to pump and excavate the money pit. They decide to dig a new shaft adjacent to the original one. This proves fruitful when drill casings and a miners whale lamp are found.  That same year, the book Captain Kidd and His Skeleton Island was published. The book was written by Harold Wilkins. The book is about pirates and treasure, and it includes a map that resembles Oak Island enough to interest Gilbert Hedden. He takes the map and walks around the island, finding a white granite boulder 50 feet north of the money pit, just as the book's map suggested. 400 feet away, he finds another granite boulder. and then a third. The boulders are arranged in such a way that they form a triangle. The base runs east-west, and a line of stones runs from the base to the apex in a true north direction. This line intersects the money pit. Unfortunately, after Gilbert Hedden travels to London to meet with the author of the book, his dreams are shattered when author Harold Wilkins lets him know that he has never been to the island and the map on the book is made completely from his imagination.

This seems to be the final blow, as Hedden decides to give up searching for pirate treasure and focus on his business instead. In 1938, Professor Edwin Hamilton of New York University took over the search from Hedden.  A popular science article published in 1939 confirms that the water that continuously floods the area is indeed part of a river system connected to the ocean. Amazingly, as oxen plowed a nearby field, the ground caved in beneath them.  The researchers uncovered that the matting made out of coconut rope and eelgrass was placed over big and small rocks, creating intersections between them.  Ocean sponges were in between the boulders, and this was used in the past by farmers as an irrigation system. On Oak Island, however, it seems to have been built in order to keep the money pit from being too easily accessed or discovered. Five long gutters were discovered cutting through the maze of boulders. Each was formed of flat stones laid end to end.  All these gutters met at what appeared to be the outer end of an underground channel, a conduit that drained into the money pit. The purpose of these gutters was to redirect water into the money pit to prevent it from being drained.

Unfortunately, no further discoveries happened for a few years, and in 1943 they had to stop drilling due to World War II.

In 1965, Robert Restall, who was in charge of digging at the time, fell down the new shaft while looking down at the work going on below. This was the first clear event that couldn't be explained. His son, Bobby Restall, ran to help him, but he fell in as well. Karl Graeser starts to climb down the ladder, but he passes out and falls in. Also, Cyril Hiltz slips off the ladder. The same is true for Andrew Demont. Leonard Kaizer also fits into this group. Captain Edward White, a fireman from New York, is able to tie a rope around Kaizer and pull him up. White can also help Demont get out. Either the smell of the water below or the carbon monoxide from the gas pump got to the other four, and they drowned. This is the first record of death in the area, and it is also the deepest they have dug. 

After that, the island was owned by different people at different times. They have found signs that people lived on the island before the 1700s, but the truth is still hidden.  In 1972, George Bates says that he thinks there were pirates on the coast of Atlantic Canada in the past. He thinks that what was found on Oak Island in 1795 were the ruins of a pirate shipyard. The fake beach may have been lowered to make room for the ships coming in. A hollow room under the island would have been used to drain Smith's Cove. When a ship's repairs were done, the water would have been pumped out with a windmill. 

For the last few years, the island has been owned by the Lagina family. In the last few years, they have been doing a reality TV show on the History Channel called "The Curse of Oak Island." They also do tours around the island for people who come to see the famous treasure hunting site. So far, they have found a cartwheel penny from 1797, two King Charles II coins from the 17th century minted over 100 years before the money's discovery, a gemstone brooch from the 16th century, which is a mysterious artifact believed to be from the Knights Templar, and a decorative keyhole plate that is believed to come from a chest.  In the swamp area, they found a rotted iron spike, which hints at the mairie's past, as well as a copper coin from 1692. 

Although thousands of dollars have been spent to find the treasure, it has yet to be discovered.

The history of Oak Island is filled with mystery, legends, and a persistent quest for buried treasure. Here's a summarized overview:

**Early Rumors and Legends:** In 1799, when Daniel McGinnis was just a teenager, he decided to explore Oak Island, a relatively uninhabited and wooded area off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. During his exploration, he came across a depression in the ground that seemed unusual. Intrigued by this discovery, he began to investigate further.

According to the accounts, McGinnis noticed that the depression was located near an old oak tree and was surrounded by indications of human activity, such as cleared spaces and stones that seemed to be deliberately placed. These observations led him to speculate that there might be something buried beneath the site.

With the help of his friends John Smith and Anthony Vaughn, McGinnis decided to start digging in the area. As they excavated the site, they encountered layers of flagstones and wooden platforms at regular intervals. This discovery deepened their curiosity and fueled speculation that there might be a valuable treasure hidden beneath the layers.

Although they faced challenges such as water flooding into the pit and "superstitious dread," the trio persisted in their efforts to uncover the potential treasure. While they didn't find a definitive treasure at that time, their discoveries and determination laid the foundation for the legends and rumors of buried treasure on Oak Island.

This event, involving Daniel McGinnis's initial exploration and excavation of what became known as "the money pit," marked the beginning of the Oak Island treasure mystery. Over time, the story was embellished and expanded upon, leading to the development of the myths and legends that have captured the imaginations of people for centuries.

The story of Oak Island begins in the 18th century when rumors of buried treasure and unexplained objects on the island first emerged. During the 18th century, the Atlantic region was known for pirate activity, with tales of pirate ships and hidden treasures capturing people's imaginations. Pirates like Blackbeard and Captain Kidd operated in these waters, contributing to the belief that their stolen riches could be buried on remote islands like Oak Island. The discovery of mysterious objects or structures on the island, such as depressions in the ground or unusual stone formations, could have added to the intrigue. These rumors spanned a wide range of possibilities, from pirate loot and Shakespearean manuscripts to the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant. Tales of the Knights Templar burying sacred relics on the island further fueled the legends. It was believed that the island held a significant secret waiting to be uncovered.

**The Early Days of Exploration (1790s–1857):**

In 1799, a settler named Daniel McGinnis discovered a depression in the ground on Oak Island while searching for a farm location. He, along with John Smith and Anthony Vaughn, excavated the pit, encountering layers of flagstones and oak platforms. Their attempts were eventually abandoned due to superstitions. Throughout the 19th century, several groups, like the Onslow and Truro Companies, attempted to uncover the hidden treasure. These early efforts were marked by various excavations, flooding, and intriguing discoveries, but the actual treasure remained elusive.

The accounts of unexplained phenomena during the early days of the Oak Island excavation are often shrouded in mystery and vary in their details. These phenomena were said to be experienced by those involved in the digging, such as John Smith, Anthony Vaughn, and Daniel McGinnis. While the specific details may differ depending on the source, some common elements of the unexplained phenomena include:

1. **Water Flooding the Pit:** One of the notable occurrences was the sudden influx of water into the pit as the diggers reached deeper levels. This flooding was often viewed as unusual, as it happened suddenly and seemingly without a natural explanation. Some versions of the story suggest that this flooding occurred as the diggers reached a certain depth, leading to the belief that they had breached some kind of protective barrier.

2. **Strange Noises and Voices:** It's mentioned that the diggers heard odd noises and voices coming from within the pit. These sounds were sometimes described as eerie or otherworldly. The sources differ on whether the sounds were interpreted as warnings, communication from supernatural entities, or signs of displeasure from the spirits guarding the treasure.

3. **Unexplained Lights:** Some versions of the story mention the appearance of mysterious lights or glowing orbs around the pit during the night. These lights were often considered as signs of the presence of supernatural forces or as attempts to dissuade the diggers from continuing their excavation.

4. **Shifted Objects:** There are accounts of objects or tools seemingly moving on their own or being shifted to different locations overnight. These occurrences were unsettling for the diggers and contributed to the belief that there were supernatural forces at play.

5. **Visions and Apparitions:** In a few versions of the story, individuals claimed to have seen ghostly figures or apparitions near the excavation site. These visions were sometimes interpreted as messages from beyond or as manifestations of the spirits guarding the treasure.

**Continued Pursuits and Discoveries (1928–Present):**

In 1928, renewed interest in Oak Island was sparked by a New York newspaper story. Over the years, various individuals and groups, including Errol Flynn, John Wayne, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, took interest in the island. The modern era of exploration began with the Triton Alliance, Oak Island Tours & The Michigan Group, and the Lagina brothers. The Lagina brothers, driven by fascination, conducted extensive research that confirmed the existence of ancient civilizations on the island.

Their journey was marked by the use of diverse tools, techniques, and expert collaboration. They found artifacts like pottery, coins, wooden platforms, and coded documents, suggesting a rich history. Notable breakthroughs included the discovery of a Roman ceremonial sword and a coin with the Knights Templar's cross, hinting at historical connections. The Lagina brothers also uncovered a meticulously crafted French map, expertly deciphered by historian and seafaring specialist Zena Halpern. The map's links to Freemasonry deepened the intrigue.

**Explorations and Ongoing Research:**

Exploration extended underwater, where the team used magnetometers to detect metal objects and potential shipwrecks. Discoveries of metal anomalies, stone features, and gemstones on land further fueled their curiosity. A visit to Portugal unveiled potential Knights Templar connections, and exploration of local sites suggested links between the Templars and Oak Island. The team's relentless pursuit of clues from ancient texts, markings, and artifacts reflected their unwavering dedication.

**Legacy of Curiosity and Perseverance:**

The history of Oak Island reflects a continuous pursuit of the unknown, driven by human curiosity and the quest for buried treasures. While no definitive treasure has been found, the island's stories, legends, and discoveries have captured imaginations for generations. The Lagina brothers and their team's efforts, joined by experts and historians, highlight the enduring allure of uncovering hidden secrets and rewriting history.

**The Lagina Brothers:**

Driven by their fascination with Oak Island, the Lagina brothers embarked on a thorough exploration of the island's soil and artifacts. This investigation solidified the presence of ancient civilizations that once inhabited the island. Their determination to locate treasure knew no bounds, capturing the attention of both television audiences and additional investors. Employing a variety of tools, techniques, and divers, they systematically narrowed down potential treasure locations. Their discoveries ranged from pottery shards and coins to wooden platforms and cryptic coded documents. Yet, despite these finds, they had not unearthed definitive proof of a buried treasure.

Although the initial stages were marked by disappointment and fruitless searches, a turning point came during the third season of their quest. They successfully drained a pit, revealing a Roman ceremonial sword. This discovery raised the possibility that the Romans could have preceded Christopher Columbus's famous journey to Oak Island. Confirmation of the sword's authenticity is still pending. In their ongoing exploration, a coin imprinted with the Knights Templar's cross emerged, suggesting the secretive medieval order might have set foot on the island in the past. The team's findings, including ancient pottery and artifacts, unveiled Oak Island's rich history, pointing to a wealth of secrets yet to be uncovered.

**Continuing the Search:**

The Lagina brothers' determination was undeterred, and they achieved a significant breakthrough in their fourth season. A meticulously crafted French map from 1647 became a pivotal discovery. The map held the potential for essential clues regarding the treasure's location. The brothers enlisted historian and seafaring expert Zena Halpern to decode the map's symbols and enigmatic messages. Zena Halpern's expertise suggested the map was a copy of an even older source that guided Freemasons in their search for treasure. This collaboration infused their journey with anticipation and twists as they endeavored to unravel the secrets of Oak Island with the aid of ancient relics, mysterious maps, and Zena Halpern's insights.

**Diving into the Depths:**

Aiding the Lagina brothers' quest was the historian and seafaring specialist Zena Halpern, whose expertise bolstered their relentless pursuit of Oak Island's secrets. Their discoveries remained steadfast, with their excitement peaking upon unearthing a boot linked to Franklin Roosevelt's endeavors. This find fueled their determination as they meticulously scrutinized the island, hopeful of uncovering significant leads. Deeper excavation led them to wood deposits, suggesting a transition away from modern structures, potentially connecting them to the treasure's origins. Their persistence yielded a valuable gold piece, sparking discussions that they might be on the site explored in 1909.

Vigilant monitoring of the B4C shaft excavation ensued, their hopes pinned on locating a treasure chamber or an offset vault. The presence of wooden tunnels and substantial traces of gold and silver bolstered their confidence. As they uncovered more wooden fragments and an aged iron fastener, the puzzle of Oak Island's past deepened. The combined expertise of the Lagina brothers, Zena Halpern, and their dedicated team sustained their determination as they forged ahead, driven by the prospect of unveiling Oak Island's long-sought treasures.

**Exploring the Waters and Beyond:**

Employing a magnetometer, the Lagina brothers and their team conducted underwater explorations near Oak Island, detecting intriguing metal signals. These signals hinted at potential shipwrecks, leading them to consider a non-invasive investigation with cameras and scanning devices. Diver Tony Sampson and underwater archaeologist Dr. Lee Spence identified a sizeable buried metal object, but visual challenges prompted a call for permission to excavate and gain clarity.

Meanwhile, in another Oak Island area, metal detection expert Gary Drayton and treasure hunter Michael John explored Lot 8. Noteworthy findings, such as a metal anomaly and a man-made stone feature, hinted at links to the Knights Templar and the Ark of the Covenant. The team aimed to uncover additional clues supporting this theory, with future plans hinging on excavation permits.

As their expedition progressed, the Lagina brothers and their team remained committed to unraveling Oak Island's mysteries. Their journey exemplified human curiosity and determination, proving that even in the face of challenges, the quest for the unknown persisted. The stories of Oak Island's past intertwined with the present-day dream of unearthing hidden treasures, forming a testament to exploration's enduring allure.

The Michel possession case


I. Introduction

In 1968 Annaliese Michael, a 17 year old German girl began to experience hallucinations a began to hear voices that told her she was dammed to hell. According to her mother her eyes would turned jet black when ever she would look at any religious icons. she began doing exhibiting erratic behavior such as liking her own urine and eating spiders. eventually this case became one of the most famous demon possession cases in Germany, and then the world because sadly Anneliese died during her exorcism. The priest that did the exorcism was accused of murder. Doctors would later testify in her trial that Annaliease had epilepsy and was not possessed. In this episode we will focus on who annaliese was, how did this case develop and how it ended. 

Anneliese was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1952 to a very Catholic family. Her father was drafted into the Reich labor service and then into military service on the western and eastern fronts during World War II.  Although his mother wanted him to be a priest like his three uncles, after the war he had to go to a trade school in order to take over the family business when he was released from US custody in 1945. Perhaps due to his experiences during the war, he felt a strong connection to God and to certain religious mediums who foretold the end of the war. One such prophet was the "secrets of Fatima." The secrets of Fatima are the messages given to three shepherd children on July 13, 1917, on the hills of Cova Datria, near Fatima. According to the children, the virgin Mary appeared to them and gave them each a message to share with the world. In the first secret, the virgin Mary showed the children "a great sea of fire at the bottom of the world." They saw demons and the suffering of souls. They believed that they saw hell. The second secret was a message; she told them that she had shown them hell in the hopes that this would scare the sinners and that they would repent. According to the prophecy, if people did not repent, a second war would start, which would be worse than the first. 

Since this happened in 1917, many people, including Anneliese's father, believed that the prophesies had come true because World War I finished and then a second world war began where he had to fight and do horrible things. 

The veracity of these prophecies could be discussed further, but this episode is not about that. Suffice it to say that these experiences made him extremely religious and could have a direct effect on the outcome of this case. 

Anna Michael was Anneliese's mother, and as a young girl, she worked in her father's office. which is where they met and fell in love. In 1948, Anna had a child out of wedlick; women thought it was Joseph, but there were rumors that the child's father was actually a Catholic priest. Unfortunately, the child died of a kidney tumor in 1956 at the age of 8. Anna and Josef got married in 1950; they had three children apart from Anneliese.

The entire family was very religious, but Anneliese was more so. She went to Mass three times a week. She prayed rosaries regularly and occasionally slept on the floor to atone for other people's sins. At school, she was described as friendly and easygoing but also serious and controverted. She would often engage in philosophical debates with her classmates and use religious references to support her arguments. 

In September At 16 in 1968, she had her first seizure. The family thought it was a one-time thing, but when she had a second in August 1969, they decided to find medical help. After an EEG, doctors came back with a diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy. She started having seizures and blackouts where she would walk around in a trance-like state. She took medication, but it didn't help. Shortly after that, she became sick again and went into the hospital. She was diagnosed with psenia and tuberculosis. She stayed in a lung sanitarium for over six months, from March to August of 1970. Several epilepsy-like seizures were recorded during that time. It was at this time that she began to see the faces of patients change and morph into those of demons. She also began to hear voices. The voices told her she would go to hell for her sins and never find redemption.

When she came back from the sanitarium, she had to change schools due to the time she had missed, which resulted in depression. 

In 1973, she went to the university of education in Warzburg. In order to attend university, she moved into a Catholic seminary with a dormitory that was close to the school. It was here that she first began to hear three loud knocks coming from her closet every night. This is significant because if you have seen any possession horror movies, you would know that demons often knock three times as a way to scare and intimidate humans. The number three is often thought of as the devil's number; he uses it to mock the holy trinity, as in the son, the father, and the holy ghost. The knock will sometimes come at three, and three in the morning is known as the witching hour or the devil's hour because scary things can sometimes be seen at that time. Some who partake in dark magic will sometimes wait until three in the morning because they say that the magic is stronger at that time. 


By November of 1973, he was tired of all of it and went to seek help from the university psychologist. She told the psychologist that even though she was taking her medication, she had been suffering from almost daily seizures since 1997, which would come as a form of absence seizure. An absence seizure is when a person is having a seizure and it can be confirmed with an EEG, but to an outsider observing the event, it would look like the person is simply standing next to you like a statue; they cannot respond if you speak to them, and they sometimes will stand or fall in bizarre poses. Again, she was given medication, but nothing changed. 

Anneliese went on a religious pilgrimage during the summer of 1973. The leader of the pilgrimage sire of San Damiano said that "she was showing great aversions" to all objects used for religious worship. She was directed to see a priest. She saw a clergyman, but he saw no evidence of possession, and he urged Anneliese to seek medical help. The leader of the pilgrimage did not agree, and they contacted Father Adolf Rodewyk, who said he believed that she could be possessed based on the descriptions. Father Rodewyk was a Jesuit priest who had written two books on demonology, and in Catholic circles he was the undisputed expert on possession and expulsion. 

According to a Newport daily news article, Ernst Alt met aAnneliese Michel in the fall of 1973. He believed that Anneliese was in the obsession stage  of possession. According to father Gabriel Amorth, Chief exorcist of Rome there are four stages of possession. Infestation, this is the "haunted house" type of stuff. You hear footsteps in the house, voices, you may see appatittions, and even objects moving. Sometimes you lay smell something rotten or foul in the air. at this stage only property, objects or animals are affected.


The second stage is Oppression; supernatural activity steps up with physical attacks, sleep disturbances including regular nightmares, frequent and severe illnesses, major depression and or anxiety disorders, and a general feeling of being constantly watched or threatened. severe financial or employementproblems and relationship troubles. while these things happen in the normal course of life, all of them happening at once or in rapid succession could be a sign of demonic presence. 

The third stage is obsession, as the name implies, at this stage the afflicted person has a hard time breaking free from intrusive and disturbing thoughts, constantly revolving around demonic activity commandeering their life, and frequently with suicide. sleep becomes near impossible. 


The fourth stage is possession, contrary to popular belief, possession is not demons entering a person's body and taking over. A person's free will is never removed, only severely compromised. In possession a person is so physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually broken down by going through the other three stages that demonic spirits are able to seize control over that person's actions occasionally. 

Telltale signs of possession include superhuman strength, speaking in a language the victim doesn't know, inordinate aversion to holy objects, knowledge of events or facts the victim could not know and according to DIocese of San Jose Exorcist Gary Thomas; CHanges in facial features. 


Quote from Father Ernst Alt " Annelise told me - Fran Hein confirmed this- that was unable to enter the shrine" (this was during the holy pilgrimage) "she approached it with great hesitation, then said that the soil burned like fire and she simply could not stand it. she then walked around the shrine in a wide arc and tried to approach it from the back. She looked at the people who were kneeling in the area surrounding the little garden and it seemed to her that while praying they were gnashing their teeth. she got as far as the edge of the little garden, then she had to turn back. coming from the front again she had to avert her glance from the picture of Christ. she made it  several times to the garden, but could not get passed it. Also she noted that she could no longer look at ledals or pictures of saints; they sparkled so Immensly that she could not stand it" 


Both her family and her community became convinced that she was possessed. The family asked several priests to perform an exorcism but they said no. they recommended that Annaliese continue her medical treatment. 

In the catholic church a possession can only be done with official permission/ 

An exorcism is grante when the subject meets specific criteria and after a thorough evaluation by the church authorities, and is considered to be suffering from possession or infestatio in Latin. At this point Annelise only had some but not all the signs of possession. However, her condition continued to worsen over time, even though she followed the priests recommendations and continued to take her medical treatment. 

Her symptoms did not subside however, they became worse. Her health deteriorated, she became violent, hurt herself, drank her own urine and ate insects. Not only was she in antiseizure medication, but she was also taking mood stabilizers and antopsychotic medications. nothing worked. her "decease" progressed and she began growling, seeing demons in her room and throwing things. 


Father Ernst Alt, a priest, stated that Michel did not exhibit signs of epilepsy and believed she was possessed by demons. He requested permission from the local bishop for an exorcism. In a letter to Alt in 1975, Michel expressed her feelings of worthlessness and the desire to improve, asking for his prayers. She also mentioned her willingness to suffer for others. Bishop Josef Stangl granted permission for an exorcism to be conducted by Father Arnold Renz according to the Rituale Romanum, with strict confidentiality.

The first exorcism session took place on September 24th. During the sessions, Michel spoke about atoning for the rebellious youth and unfaithful priests of the modern church. At Michel's request, her parents stopped consulting doctors and relied solely on the exorcism rituals. Over a period of approximately ten months in 1975 and 1976, a total of 67 exorcism sessions, lasting up to four hours each and occurring once or twice a week, were performed. Towards the end of her life, Michel refused to eat.


Anneliese Michel passed away on July 1, 1976, at her home. The autopsy revealed that she died because she didn't eat or drink enough for almost a year during the exorcism rituals. She was very thin, had broken knees from kneeling too much, and had developed pneumonia.

After an investigation, the state charged Anneliese's parents and priests Ernst Alt and Arnold Renz with causing her death due to negligence. The parents had a lawyer famous for defending people in important trials, and the priests had their legal fees paid by the church. The state suggested that the priests should pay a fine instead of going to jail, and they believed the parents had suffered enough and should not be punished.

The trial started on March 30, 1978, and attracted a lot of attention. Doctors testified that Anneliese wasn't possessed by demons and that her strange behavior was caused by her strict religious upbringing and epilepsy. The defense argued that the exorcism was allowed by the law and protected by the German constitution, which guarantees religious freedom. They played recordings from the exorcism sessions, claiming they showed demons arguing and proved Anneliese's possession. The priests said she was freed from possession just before she died.

Exhumation and aftermath:
After the trial, Anneliese's family asked for permission to remove her body from the burial place because they felt it was done too quickly and poorly. After almost two years, her remains were put in a new coffin. People started visiting her grave as a place of pilgrimage. The number of officially approved exorcisms in Germany decreased after this case, even though Pope Benedict XVI supported using exorcisms more than his predecessor. In 2013, a fire destroyed the house where Anneliese lived, and some locals thought it was connected to the exorcism case.



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